Network Automation using YANG Models across XE, XR, & NX

Ansible netconf_conf Module

Coincidentally, Ansible Networking has had a NETCONF configuration module since Ansible release 2.2, which actually pre-dated the plugin. This module is used to perform the NETCONF edit-config operation. The module, like the plugin, has dependencies on the ncclient open source library to make edit-config RPCs. This module can be used to send configuration changes via RPCs in XML directly or through an XML source file. You will perform a combination of both in this section of the lab.

The documentation for this module can be found here: Ansible netconf_config

Configure XE, XR, & NX Interfaces using YANG & NETCONF

In each section below, you are going to modify the interface configuration of your XE, XR, and NX devices using NETCONF and different YANG model definitions per device. The interface configuration that you will modify will include the interface description, IP address, network mask, and state. On your XE device, you will leverage the IETF model definitions that you examined earlier for interfaces and IP. On your XR device, you will leverage the OpenConfig model definition for interfaces and IP. Lastly, on your NX device, you will leverage the the device's native YANG model.


As mentioned before, when using the netconf_config module, you will use a combination of input parameters for the XML based RPCs. The device role-based task for the XE device will use a source XML file that you will create. The device role-based task for the XR device will show you how to use a combination of a source file along with XML directly in the task. Lastly, the device role-based task for the NX device will demonstrate to you how to use multiple tasks with XML RCPs that perform different tasks that could easily be performed as one XML RPC task, but remember, breaking up the XML could provide for easier templating and reuse.

The Ansible netconf_config module requires some parameters that for simplicity in this lab, you are going to set both look_for_keys and hostkey_verify to False. In doing so, allow_agent will be set to False as well since we're keeping things simple and not dealing with keys. There are two more important parameters to consider to operationalize this task. The datastore parameter has a default setting value of auto where, using the advertised device capabilities, it will try to determine whether to use the candidate datastore or running datastore. However, from lessons learned and experience, it is highly recommended that you know and understand the datastore for the device you are working with and set the datastore parameter accordingly. Lastly, you either need to use the src or xml parameter. If using the src parameter, you would provide a path to a valid edit-config XML RPC. If using the xml parameter, you would use the valid edit-config XML RPC directly within in the task. Please examine what has been described in the netconf_config examples below:

                    - name: THIS IS EXAMPLE 1
                        look_for_keys: False
                        hostkey_verify: False
                        allow_agent: False
                        datastore: running
                        src: /playbooks/playbook-name/roles/role-name/files/rpc.xml
                    - name: THIS IS EXAMPLE 2
                        look_for_keys: False
                        hostkey_verify: False
                        allow_agent: False
                        datastore: candidate
                        xml: |

Populating the XML elements becomes the most difficult aspect of making these RPCs, whether it be for NETCONF's get/get-config or edit-config (like you will do here) operations. The are two direct approaches. The first involves using the what you've gained from the MDP introduction to look at the YANG model directly, either in GitHub or via pyang, and structure the XML hierarchy based on the YANG model's namespace, container(s), and then lists, leafs, etc. The other option when first starting out, is to query an already configured device that is NETCONF/YANG capable using a top-level namespace, whether that falls into the categories of IETF, OpenConfig, or Native definitions does not matter. Depending on the definition, the namespace changes.

Configure XE Interfaces using IETF YANG Models & NETCONF

For this configuration XML, copy the XML into a file in the specified directory. As a reminder, since this RPC is used to modify the configuration using NETCONF's edit-config operation, take note of the outer <config></config> elements. The elements that makeup the XML are composed from the YANG container, leafs, lists, etc.

From the YANG model, notice that line 4 is the top-level container; interfaces. Then, line 5 starts what could be a list of interfaces with interface and the leaf name of that interface or the index key for that interface in the would be list. The description and enabled are additional leaf elements at lines 7 and 9. Line 10 starts the use of an augmentation using the the container ipv4. The subsequent highlighted lines from 11-13 include additional list and leaf elements, such as ip.

            touch /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/roles/xe-netconf/files/ietf-config-ints.xml
            cat <<EOF >> /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/roles/xe-netconf/files/ietf-config-ints.xml
              <interfaces xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces">
                  <description>Configured by Ansible NETCONF</description>
                  <type xmlns:ianaift="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-if-type">ianaift:ethernetCsmacd</type>
                  <ipv4 xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-ip">


For the XE device's task, copy the YAML into the appropriate YAML file. If you copy, the proper file location is handled for you. For this task, you will set the datastore to running and use the src parameter that has a value to the path of where your edit-config RPC is located.

            cat <<EOF >> /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/roles/xe-netconf/tasks/main.yml

                look_for_keys: False
                hostkey_verify: False
                allow_agent: False
                datastore: running
                src: /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/roles/xe-netconf/files/ietf-config-ints.xml


Configure XR Interfaces using OpenConfig YANG & NETCONF

For this configuration XML, copy the XML into a file in the specified directory. As a reminder, since this RPC is used to modify the configuration using NETCONF's edit-config, take note of the outer <config></config> elements.

From the OpenConfig YANG model, line 4 is the top-level container; interfaces. Then, line 5 starts what could be a list of interfaces with interface and the leaf name of that interface or the index key for that interface in the would be list. Line 8 has to match the key name of the interface. The description and enabled are additional leaf elements at lines 10 and 11. Line 13 starts the use of another container that resides within the interfaces container called subinterfaces. Line 14 starts another element list that is a subinterface. Line 15 shows 0 as to denote the physical interface. Lastly, an augmentation is used with its container ipv4 at line 16 and subsequently another container called addresses at line 17. The remaining highlighted lines from 18-22 include additional list and leaf elements, such as ip.

            touch /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/roles/xr-netconf/files/openconfig-config-ints.xml
            cat <<EOF >> /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/roles/xr-netconf/files/openconfig-config-ints.xml
                <interfaces xmlns="">
                            <type xmlns:idx="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-if-type">idx:ethernetCsmacd</type>
                            <description>Configured by Ansible NETCONF</description>
                                    <ipv4 xmlns="">


For the XR device's tasks, copy the YAML into the appropriate YAML file. If you copy, the proper file location is handled for you. For this task, you will set the datastore to candidate. The first task will use the src parameter that has a value to the path of where your edit-config RPC is located. The second task will make use of the xml parameter that uses the edit-config XML directly. Again, this is simply to demonstrate the ability of how to use various combinations.

            cat <<EOF >> /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/roles/xr-netconf/tasks/main.yml

                look_for_keys: False
                hostkey_verify: False
                allow_agent: False
                datastore: candidate
                src: /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/roles/xr-netconf/files/openconfig-config-ints.xml

                look_for_keys: False
                hostkey_verify: False
                allow_agent: False
                datastore: candidate
                xml: |
                          <interfaces xmlns="">
                                      <type xmlns:idx="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-if-type">idx:ethernetCsmacd</type>
                                      <description>Configured by Ansible NETCONF</description>
                                  <ethernet xmlns="">
                                              <ipv4 xmlns="">


Configure NX Interfaces using Native YANG & NETCONF

For the NX device's tasks, copy the YAML into the appropriate YAML file. If you copy, the proper file location is handled for you. For this task, you will set the datastore to running. In this task file, you will breakup the XML RPC into more granular RPCs using the src parameter. The first task will configure the interface as a Layer 3 interface, converting it from a Layer 2 interface, and configure an interface description. The second task will configure the IP address and network mask of the interface. The third task will enable the interface.

            cat <<EOF >> /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/roles/nx-netconf/tasks/main.yml

                look_for_keys: False
                hostkey_verify: False
                allow_agent: False
                datastore: running
                xml: |
                        <System xmlns="">
                                        <descr>Configured by Ansible NETCONF</descr>

                look_for_keys: False
                hostkey_verify: False
                allow_agent: False
                datastore: running
                xml: |
                        <System xmlns="">

                look_for_keys: False
                hostkey_verify: False
                allow_agent: False
                datastore: running
                xml: |
                        <System xmlns="">


Execute Ansible Playbook

With your hosts file created in the previous module and tasks developed to configure your device interface(s), you need to build the master play in the playbook and execute the playbook.

Copy the YAML file below that uses the roles you created.

            cat <<EOF >> /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/site.yml
            # main playbook

            - hosts: xe
                - role: xe-netconf

            - hosts: xr
                - role: xr-netconf

            - hosts: nx
                - role: nx-netconf


Ensure you are in the correct working directory and execute the playbook:

            cd /workspace/playbooks/mdp_netconf/
            ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml

Your playbook execution results should look like the below:

            PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
                  : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0
                  : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0
                  : ok=4    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0

In this section of the lab, you were introduced to using Ansible's NETCONF plugin and netconf_config configuration module to perform NETCONF edit-config RPCs. This was achieved using IETF, OpenConfig, and Native YANG model definitions across XE, XR, and NX respectively.

In the next section of the lab, you will leverage the same library that Ansible uses here to perform these RPCs, ncclient. You will use ncclient to not only perform configuration edits in Python, but also how to query or get-config to verify the configurations you are pushing to your devices. Please continue to the next lab section.