Network Automation using YANG Models across XE, XR, & NX

Verify MDP Interfaces are Enabled

In this section of the lab, you are simply going to perform verification steps to confirm that the NETCONF and/or RESTCONF API interfaces have been enabled.

In your Terminal window, within your Docker container, there are preconfigured CLI aliases. Simply issuing xe, xr, or nx will connect you to your pod devices via SSH. All passwords are cisco.123.

Note: The first time you connect to the xe, xr, or nx devices in this lab, you will be presented with this message:

        The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
        RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:v8bxjY1jWsEv0jTnyG0JfIzfhzp2ZmV59ekY4rwIcJc.
        RSA key fingerprint is MD5:14:bf:2f:14:1b:ab:b6:6d:37:05:e9:c3:2f:22:5a:50.
        Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
        Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

Type yes and hit enter when prompted.

Connect to XE Device

Connect to your XE device within your Docker container and verify the configuration:

  • Use a password of cisco.123.

    Check that NETCONF has been enabled by issuing show run | inc netconf:

                show run | inc netconf
  • The output should look similar to the below:

                Pod00-CSRv#show run | inc netconf

    Check that RESTCONF has been enabled by issuing show run | inc restconf:

                show run | inc restconf
  • The output should look similar to the below:

                Pod00-CSRv#show run | inc restconf

    Check that NETCONF Datastore that is used by the XE platform by issuing show netconf-yang datastores:

                show netconf-yang datastores
  • The output should look similar to the below:

                Pod00-CSRv#show netconf-yang datastores
                Datastore Name             : running

    The XE platform allows you to check your NETCONF statistics in the context of RPCs and associated sessions. This can be useful for tracking or troubleshooting. This command is show netconf-yang statistics.

                show netconf-yang statistics
  • The output for you XE device should similar to the below. Do not worry if it does not show any increases in the stats fields at this point in time.

                Pod00-CSRv#show netconf-yang statistics
                netconf-start-time  : 2018-04-24T00:26:52+00:00
                in-rpcs             : 0
                in-bad-rpcs         : 0
                out-rpc-errors      : 0
                out-notifications   : 0
                in-sessions         : 0
                dropped-sessions    : 0
                in-bad-hellos       : 0

    We'll now proceed to checking your XR device. Type exit or copy the exit below to quit your SSH session to the XE device and return back to your container prompt.

  • Connect to XR Device

    Connect to your XR device within your Docker container and verify the configuration:

  • Use a password of cisco.123.

    Check that NETCONF has been enabled by issuing show run | inc netconf:

                show run | inc netconf
  • The output should look similar to the below:

                RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Pod00-XRv9K-XR#show run | inc netconf
                Tue Apr 24 09:37:16.899 UTC
                Building configuration...
                netconf-yang agent
                ssh server netconf vrf management

    Like the XE platform, the XR platform can display NETCONF statistics, but in a much more granular fashion. The command to for this is the same as for the XE platform; show netconf-yang statistics.

                show netconf-yang statistics
  • Again, do not worry if your output at this point in time does not match exactly below. As you can see, the fields are not just classified as RPCs and sessions, but rather, the type of RPC. This is very useful for troubleshooting and understanding exactly which types of RPCs may be having issues.

                RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Pod00-XRv#show netconf-yang statistics
                Tue Apr 24 09:37:08.229 UTC
                Summary statistics
                                         # requests|             total time|   min time per request|   max time per request|   avg time per request|
                other                             0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                close-session                     0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                kill-session                      0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                get-schema                        0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                get                               0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                get-config                        0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                edit-config                       0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                commit                            0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                cancel-commit                     0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                lock                              0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                unlock                            0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                discard-changes                   0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                validate                          0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                xml parse                         0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                netconf processor                 0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                YFW                               0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                pending requests                  0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                invoke rpc                        0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                copy-config                       0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|
                create-subscription               0|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|       0h  0m  0s   0ms|

    We'll now proceed to checking your NX device. Type exit or copy the exit below to quit your SSH session to the XR device and return back to your container prompt.

  • Connect to NX Device

    Connect to your NX device within your Docker container and verify the configuration:

  • Use a password of cisco.123.

    Check that NETCONF and RESTCONF have been enabled by issuing show run | grep feature:

                show run | grep feature
  • The output should look similar to the below:

                Pod00-N9Kv# show run | grep feature
                feature nxapi
                feature bash-shell
                feature scp-server
                feature netconf
                feature restconf

    At this point in time, the NX platform doesn't have many more show commands implemented to show statistics. When done, exit your NX device by typing or copying the exit below.

  • XR - Enable Netconf on Port 830

    The XRv version we are using for this lab has a nuance such that one must set the netconf port to 22, commit, and then back to 830 and commit a second time. We've taken care of this for you with the following set of steps.

    Install Netmiko

    We need the Python package netmiko for this next step.

    In your container, execute the following:

                pip3.6 install netmiko

    Create The Script

    Create a new script in your workspace named the following:


    Populate the script with the following Python:

                # Imports required
                from netmiko import ConnectHandler
                duts = {"xrv": ''}
                device = {'device_type': 'cisco_xr', 'ip': duts['xrv'], 'username': 'admin', 'password': 'cisco.123'}
                netmiko_connection = ConnectHandler(**device)
                commands = ["ssh server netconf port 22"]
                commands = ["ssh server netconf port 830"]
                print("Done applying XR config!")

    Execute XR SSH Server Port Fixup Script

    Execute this script in your container as follows:


    Observe the following output:

                [root@73dfdfffbd8c workspace]# python3.6
                Done applying XR config!

    This uses Netmiko to apply the configuration over CLI. The script takes about 15 seconds to execute. We try to avoid CLI interaction where at all possible, but for some configuration we must fall back to it.

    Wrapping Up

    All of our MDP management interfaces are now enabled, let's move on to querying them!